Words to the wise/ out of the hook
You know the name game? The song with the 'banana fana' ect? Never play it with the name Chuck. Or Mitch. Seriously- just try it. You'll see why.
at work
We are all smelling smoke from outside and wonder what could be burning. Annmarie goes out to investigate and is met at the door by a security guard who talks to her for a while, giving the situation. She returns.
Annmarie- Well there are two fires. I guess one of them is only a block or so down the street. The other one is a courier vehicle that flooded.
me- And then- caught on fire?
Annmarie- Uh no...it flooded.
Pauline- You just said there were two fires.
Annmarie- There are two fires. One is down the street and the other is farther down the street.
me- And the courier vehicle?
Annmarie- It's not a fire. It just flooded.
me- Oh.
Warren- Ralph is in hematology talking about World War One.
AJ- He's been there for like, half an hour
Warren- Well it was a long war.
Vg- We are missing a sample.
me- What's the name?
Vg- It came a half hour before you got here, so it's not you. You are out of the hook.
You know how people talk with their hands? Well we saw a girl walking down the street talking on a cell phone and gesturing with the other hand. Funny sight! (does she know the person on the other end cannot see her?)