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  • Thursday, March 30, 2006

    Sesame street things

    Today's episode of sesame street was a good one. Here's some highlights:

    The amazing Mumford is doing a big and little trick on the letter M. He accidentally turns Big Bird little and no one notices. Big Bird wanders around on the ground looking at items that are now REALLY BIG to him. He sees a penny, a ball, and a leaf. He talks with an ant who recognizes him from when he was big. Snuffy walks by but can't see or hear the tiny Big Bird. We are left hanging as Big Bird tried to get Allan and Gordon's attention.
    This is one of those skits I think might have scared me as a child. The way no one sees Big Bird; they might step on him! Of course this skit is brand new and I'm grown so no worries!

    A pianist I should have heard of doing "Everybody's Song"
    (I love that song!)

    Jack be nimble is too tired to jump the candlestick. We learn that he has had no breakfast. In nursery rhyme fashion he shouts out: Mum be nimble Mum be quick, make me breakfast- get on the stick!

    The count tells us about his favorite show- 24. Every episode is 24 seconds long! The show is about a man dangling from a cliff. In the 24 seconds that beep across the screen like calculator font, we see various scenes across a black background of: dangling feet, clinging hands, torso, and kicking legs. After 24 seconds is up the camera pulls back and the man lets go and drops down to the ground which is only a foot below.

    A 90's animation that looks a bit like paper cutouts. Twenty grapefruits! Bellhop has to fetch them and keeps remembering 20 20 20 20. When he gets to the store the man asks him, twenty what? Bellhop says, uh I forget.

    Elmo's world has Mr Noodle on a see saw, but he can't seem to find anyone his size for a balance. He tried an ant and ends up slingshotting the ant up in the air. Oops! As I wonder aloud how that ant landed, a tiny voice shouts out as an aside, "I'm ok!"

    Why does elmo always ask a baby? Hi Baby. How do you go up and down? How do you have fun? How do you eat food? Universal answer: baby just stares at Elmo.

    Grover (voiced in this clip by Frank Oz) sends Elmo and email about exercise. He tries to fly but can't remarking, "My cute little cape seems to be caught on something unseen and below the frame."
    I love the clips where they still use Frank's voice. He is great at adding little funny remarks and exaggerated reactions to the situation. It just gives it that something extra that makes me say, "Yup. Nobody does it like Frank."

    Saturday, March 11, 2006

    Funniest Love Letters and some Quotes

    In the Buster keaton short, Love Nest, he writes his girl this letter:

    Since you have canceled our engagement, I have decided not to marry you. I am leaving to sail around the world so that I will forget you.
    Yours, but not anymore,

    p.s. If you do not receive this letter, write me.

    In strongbadia the Cinder Block breaks up with its mate in this letter:

    Dear Stop Sign,
    I am a stop sign and you are a cinder block. Therefore I think we should break up. I hope we can be's friends.
    Love Always,
    Cinder Block

    Now a conversation with a guy I met the other day:

    me- If you had a fish, what would you name it?
    Woody- That depends on what kind.
    me- It's a betta.
    Woody- Male or female?
    me- Probably a male.
    Woody- What color?
    me- Bluish red with shimmery green- like on his fins.
    Woody- I'd have to go with Shasta the Resilliant.

    Later I caught a mole in my house. He or she was caught in a mousetrap by the nose. I let it go outside and it survived and got back in the next day.
    To Dan, "That mole should be named Shasta the Resilliant."