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  • Tuesday, May 20, 2008

    Love note on the highway

    Tumbling across the northway I spied a folded up piece of paper and wondered
    what could that be?
    The instruction manual for the tape deck
    or a slip from the doctor for cough syrup?
    Or maybe it's a paper congratulating
    the winning hockey team on a good season.
    A list of groceries: carrots, dish soap, raisins, All Bran.
    It could be an old placemat from Denny's with half the pictures scribbled in
    and a stained ring of apple juice.
    The second page to an essay on The Death of a Salesman which is evidently
    due in two weeks and has red correction marks all over it,
    or a note to send recipient #64218 the new Slimmaster6000, guaranteed to reduce fat in three weeks or your money back.
    Or it could be a note from a man telling his girlfriend she's the only one in his life and how his love for her knows no bounds and would she please marry him-?

    Sunday, May 04, 2008

    The first 4-leaf clover of my lawn was a 5-leaf clover

    Written on the outside of a geico-wants-your-business envelope

    Do not deliver to the wrong addressee
    Do not bend, fold, spindle or mutilate
    Do not lock your keys in your car
    Do not wear brown shoes with a navy suit
    Do not forget your mom's birthday
    And Do Not pay too much for car insurance!

    In some lab protocol manuals:
    Floptical Diskette-> It sounds like the long version of floppy disk.
    (the short version is flosdk!)

    Acceptable water-> "Add 5ul acceptable water."
    (a little bit subjective for a science protocol, don't you think?)

    Open the top of reagent bottle 4. If the reagent pack does not have bottle 4, skip this step.
    (for those people who would have spent an hour trying to open a nonexistent bottle)

    Recently I realized there is a group of three songs that I always cross-reference and have trouble separating into three entities; I think of them as the same song.
    They are:
    Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers
    Freefalling by Tom Petty
    Lightning Crashes by Live

    I mean all three have a similar sound, and they're all about the same things. Angels and vampires and walking in the city and the city being your friend and angels and cities... Right?