Love note on the highway
Tumbling across the northway I spied a folded up piece of paper and wondered
what could that be?
The instruction manual for the tape deck
or a slip from the doctor for cough syrup?
Or maybe it's a paper congratulating
the winning hockey team on a good season.
A list of groceries: carrots, dish soap, raisins, All Bran.
It could be an old placemat from Denny's with half the pictures scribbled in
and a stained ring of apple juice.
The second page to an essay on The Death of a Salesman which is evidently
due in two weeks and has red correction marks all over it,
or a note to send recipient #64218 the new Slimmaster6000, guaranteed to reduce fat in three weeks or your money back.
Or it could be a note from a man telling his girlfriend she's the only one in his life and how his love for her knows no bounds and would she please marry him-?