'81 is important to everyone
Conversation at work:
AnneMarie- Well that was back- let's see. I was married in '81.
Alice- I graduated in '81.
Me- I was born in '81.
Dave- Are you people trying to make her feel old??
My sister's friends:
(middle of the conversation, Cece asks her question rhetorically)
Cece- How many states are there in the United States?
Corey- 64!
David- No, Corey, there's 52.
Cece- What?
Lita- There's only 50.
David- What about Alaska and Hawaii? 50 states plus Alaska and Hawaii.
Lita- Oh my God you guys are stupid.
Short story about my niece Caroline
Sitting on the carpet and laughing about gravity (hilarious that ball bouncing) my baby niece starts to fall over. I can see she's losing her balance and I put my hand up to cradle her head. When she falls her head doesn't hit the carpet with all that much force and I can tell nothing is hurt, bruised or even bumped. She turns her head and looks up at me with this look of absolute shock and horror, and begins to wail. I know she's not hurt so clearly the reason she's crying is, "OH MY GOD! I FELL OVER! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!" This does make perfect sense though seeing as she hasn't learned gravity yet, and she was just LAUGHING at it a moment ago. Gravity was probably all like, "Who's laughing now?"