Futuristic movie rules
Here's a set of rules for building your classic/tacky futuristic movie. Under to each rule is how I would do it differently. You can apply the numbered rules to build your own traditional style future movie or use mine to get a new spin on the what the future is supposed to be:
1) No bras-this includes women wearing gauzy flowing dresses that barely cover their breasts and show most of their legs.
Alternate 1: Lets bring back codpieces. It's been way too long right? This style is good for both men and women.
2) Witness the whiteness- all structures are blinding white inside.
Alternate 2: Some patterned artwork and clashy flashy colors, like harvest yellow.
3) Shiny clothing-need I say more?
Alternate 3: I'm thinkin something with pockets in excess. Tons of unnecessary pockets all over.
4) Living on the moon- other planets, space travel ect.
Alternate 4: Put people in Antarctica and the Sahara desert. The resources needed to achieve this are way less than for the life-on-the-moon scenario, so I'm thinkin this just makes more sense.
5) Hovercraft or flying cars
Alternate 5: Keep the cars on the ground but make them look weird. All boxy and strangely angular. Use several colors per car. As with number 4, this is just easier and I think more likely.
6) Humanoid robots- Data, C3PO, automatic butlers- you get the idea.
Alternate 6: Smart appliances. We're already halfway there right? Voice recognition exists as well as smart google searches. Just make the appliance able to guess what you want, easy to use and shut off. There's no reason it needs to be mobile, we have legs in the future. And it shouldn't talk back, that's just freaky.
So there you go. Use these in any combination you want. Let me know if you come up with anything good, maybe we can film it together.