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  • Friday, August 17, 2007

    Jason sez

    Last fall Jay and I made up mad libs for each other. Here is how they came out:

    Once upon a time there was Bob. He was near a guy named Jason. They were in 'cahootz' working on 'time travel'. Tracey came over and found a 'flux capacitor'. They ordered lunch and ate it 'almost'. On Halloween they all dressed up as 'Marty Mcfly and Doc Brown' and rode a 'delorean' around the neighborhood. Somebody 'broke' a television set and they all celebrated by having 'joyous sacrifices'. Suddenly a small 'waitress on roller skates' appeared and gave them 'a cheeseburger'. It was 'SOOOO GOOOOD' that they never went back to '2006' again.

    Jason was feeling 'sleepy' and went to his favorite store 'Grand Union'. He got a new store credit card for '$20'. He quickly maxed it out by buying 'gum, bread and 2 instant dinners' and 'a very small bag of water balloons'. The cashier asked him "Would you like a 'venus flytrap' with that?" And he said, "Only '$400' buy six!" As soon as he got his new stuff home one of his 'venus flytraps' quickly 'ate him whole'. The moral of this story is 'spending money leads to being eaten'. Learn from Jason and know that only 'wierdos' buy 'carnivorous plants'!

    and a conversation
    me- So at camp, I decide to hang out with my friend Phil for a minute. He's by himself; his co-counselor is gone somewhere. Her name is Amanda and she's in charge of the cabin of girls. I'm talking with Phil and the girls are-
    Jason- Can you get to the punch line of this story a little faster please?
    me-...half an hour!
    Jason- Ok now you've got the opposite problem.