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  • Thursday, May 17, 2007

    Brand New Aunt! (me)

    Yup, I've become an aunt. Jessica had her baby and she is the cutest little thing you ever saw. We got an email this morning with baby pictures and measurements. Her name is Caroline and she's 6 pounds 7oz. Now I can have her as my desktop background instead of an internet baby I don't know. Dan put her in the address book so we can keep her birthday.

    me- AWWWW! So cute!
    Dan- Cute as a button?
    me- She's cute as TWO buttons.
    Dan- That can be her employment place. Cute as Two Buttons Inc.

    comments from around the house and elsewhere

    Dan and I watch the final couple of scenes of the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. We get to the part where Gandalf appears at first light on the hill. For a minute you think he's alone, then an army follows him.

    Dan- It's Magneto!
    me- ..with an army. And if that doesn't work- Jean Gray!

    The television version seems to be different than the one I remember so we pop in the DVD and watch the scenes a second time extended. After the finale I go back into the menu and start scrolling around.

    Dan- You're going in to watch the credits with commentary aren't you?
    me- No.... well yes. I love the commentary.

    Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan give my favorite parts of the commentary for the whole movie. Among some of their funnier comments:

    (a scene shows a huge army we are far away from)
    "And that entire army is played by ants, and they agreed to have two of their legs removed for this part. Just shows, you know, the dedication they had."

    (one of them tries to think of the word bystanders)
    "Standers- standers-by? Standbyers? Standbyees?"

    (credit rolls for Elijah Wood)
    Dunno who that joker was.

    (credit rolls for Hugo Weaving)
    Hugo Weaving- the Matrix!

    * * * * *

    Joe and I have lunch together and on the menu are exotic vegetable chips called Terra Chips. We examine the packaging to find out the different vegetables involved in chipification.
    me- Yucca, sweet potato, parsnip, taro- those are the ones with the purple lines on them.
    Joe- And you know what happens if those purple lines form letters.
    me- (clueless) What? What are you talking about?
    Joe- We could have a taro reading!

    * * * * *

    Sitting around the house, Dan notices I am looking at him.
    Dan- Are you undressing me with your eyes again?
    me- Actually I was putting clothes back on you with my eyes.