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  • Tuesday, March 27, 2007

    Wyoming, Enzyte, Shoes please

    Walking in a department store the other day an unusually brief message came over the loudspeaker. It went "Shoes please. Shoes." That's it. Not "customer needs assistance in-" or "price check on-". A couple of minutes later they said it again so I know it wasn't a mistake...hm.

    I hate the holiday commercial for Enzyte. It is a product for making male stuff bigger and it always features a smiley guy named Bob. He's dressed up as Santa and all these women are lined up to sit on his lap. Guess why. The part that really irks me is his wife standing near him grinning. HEL-LO? Why is she smiling when all these other women are going to sit on his lap?! I'd be so pissed off. You know why they all want to, what makes his wife condone this? UH! So stupid.

    I found the Garfield and Friends episode I've been searching for about Wyoming. According to them it's a little known fact that there is no Wyoming. I mean, think about it, have you ever met anyone from Wyoming? Long ago when Arbuckle Vespucci was designing the united states he found there was a small space left over with no state to fill it. Rather than rearrange the whole thing, he asked his cat for advice. The cat cleverly came to the rescue by writing in the space "Wyoming", an old Italian word for 'no state here'. And that's the story of Wyoming.