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  • Saturday, October 28, 2006

    answers to email subjects

    Sometimes when I read through my spam mail I answer the subject lines out loud before deleting them. Some examples:

    Want a new or used car?
    no thanks I have one

    Someone wants to date you
    yeah I know, but I'm married already

    webcam? where did you go?
    I didn't go anywhere and quit calling me webcam.

    Third attempt- Your check is waiting
    Yeah well it's gonna have to be bored.

    RE; this could be what you have been waiting for
    but I doubt it

    Mortgage rates are falling
    watch out!

    Thursday, October 19, 2006


    Thought this was worth recording. We have a ton of jobs to address in our new/old house. We need to get a light fixed and also fix some issues with the level of the ground around the house. Far in the future we would also like to make the upstairs a liveable space. I had this brief IM conversation with Dan about it:

    me: should I call the lectrician?
    me: and a landshapishian?
    dan: and maybe a lefinishtheupstairsologist
    me: lol

    Yesterday I cleaned all the floors and sawed a door that was catching on the uneven kitchen floor. I rock. Later I'll make a spice cabinet and some sawhorses.

    Wednesday, October 11, 2006


    Moved into the new old house. Life is just a blast and I listen to Ben Folds nonstop these days. Maybe Laura was right about the Venus Flytrap. You can look but don't touch. Poke around too much and they clam up, now you'll never get in there now. In other news, I am struggling to do something with the yeahmyfoot site. I feel like a slug when I don't update for so long. I really do enjoy the videos but they take forever to do properly. Especially since I've gotten so picky about my work. Well, we'll see if I can get one out by Halloween or thereabouts. That's all for now.