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  • Sunday, August 27, 2006

    Fixed! hmm...

    Suddenly it's fixed. Like my friend is out-of-the-blue no longer mad. Don't know why or what happened. Maybe it was just time that did it. Now I am not hanging on the edge of despondency. Is that a word? Well I feel better but that was too hard. Many appreciations for Jay who tried to make me smile the past few days while I was feeling sad. Jay is the bomb.

    Wednesday, August 23, 2006

    Torn apart

    I feel like I'm being torn apart. A close friend of mine seems to be unreasonably very angry with me. I don't know why, or rather I know exactly why and there is no basis for him to be mad. I'm afraid that if I don't apologize and say I'm sorry (for something not even remotely my fault) he'll be mad forever. And I just don't want to do that because he already has the "I'm always right" complex and it's caused problems before. But the fighting stuff makes me insanely sad. I wish it would go away. (sigh)