Stuff I was thinking about but forgot
I saw my name on a car. I forget exactly why. Some kind of business like Tracey Enterprises or Tracey Incorporated. Printed right across the hood. Looked nice too. On the same day I kept seeing license plates that looked like chemistry test codes.
We ate out and had to wait around an hour to get in. We were wasting time talking about whatever then finally got seated. A few minutes afterwards these two guys with funny hair got a seat as well. Dan's comment- Heat miser and snow miser finally got in.
I saw the best movie commecial. It opens like a horror picture. Announcers voice- "There is a house. That has been empty for thirty years. And was witness to a death." Pictures flash of the house empty, a man walking in saying 'Yeah I got it real cheap. Some professor used to live here then he died.', there's a picture of a man choking someone, a gun, someone yelling. The announcer continues, "This house has the ability to turn whoever owns it- into a total idiot" Funny music and cut to Will Ferrell yelling, "We're goin streaking!" The commercial is for the movie Old School which is so totally not a horror movie, but the opening is so convincing. I thought it was a very effective prank.
Ben Folds did a bunch of music for that movie Over the Hedge. He reworked Rockin the Suburbs beautifully for this occasion. I was really curious to hear his new rendition which is completely curse free. Nice, nice job, Ben! Woody says the movie is good even though the previews suck. Maybe I'll try to catch it while it is in theaters.