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  • Monday, January 23, 2006

    How my mom and my dad met

    I wanted to write down some stories Mom tells over and over about her past and how she met Dad how they got engaged, ect. So here's how they met and got engaged as interpreted by me after listening to Mom tell it.

    Mom was at the Klondike bar near BCS high school with I think it was her brother who stopped there for just a minute. She must have been 17-not-quite-18 because several people offered to buy her a drink but she wasn't supposed to have alcohol. One of the guys there was my dad. Maybe they talked for a minute but nothing more happened except they both thought the other one was good looking. Dad was out of high school and wanted to know how old my mom was so he asked Mom's brother Neil. He said, "I think she's 16" A message got back to my mom that my dad liked her but wouldn't date her because she was only 16. My mom, who must have had a birthday by then, said, "Will you please tell him that I'm 18?" So my dad found out how old she really was. At a later date they saw each other by chance at the Tastee Freeze and Dad asked my mom out. She said yes and they started going together.
    When they had been dating for a long time they began to talk about marriage. They both wanted to get married, but hadn't made any definite plans. So my dad went and got a ring and had it with him one day while they were talking. He brought up the subject again and asked my mom if she was into getting married. She said yes. Then he pulled the box out of his pocket and opened it saying, "Good, lets get married then!" My mom doesn't say what her words were at this point but I know she was surprized and very happy. Later they got married and did some other things and eventually had me and my two sisters.