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  • Friday, December 16, 2005

    chemical names, rudolf, funny signs

    First a list of alternate chemical names for lab chemicals. I think they all sound like first names:

    crystal violet-
    Aizen Crystal Violet, Aniline Violet, Axuris, Gentian Violet, Hidaco Brilliant Violet, Kristall Violett, Meroxyl, Pycotanin, Pyoverm, Krystalova, Violet Zasadita

    L- ascorbic acid-
    Ascorin, Catavin, Cebid, Cebione, Cecon, Celin, Cemagyl, Cemil, Cereon, Cergona, Cevatine, Cevimin, Cewin, Cipca, Citriscorb, Colascor, Davitamon, Hicee, Hybrin, Ido-C, Kyselina Askorbova, Meri- C, Natrascorb, Ribena, Roscobic, Vicelat

    Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is my favorite stop-motion Christmas special. I like the character Yukon Cornelius. Everything he says is funny. When asked what supplies he's going to get he says, "Cornmeal, gunpowder, ham hocks and guitar strings!" Then when he's riding the floating iceberg with Herbie and Rudolph they crash into land. Cornelius shouts, "LAND HO!" after they have already struck it. Herbie looks at him and says REALLY sarcastically, "No kidding." Then again they have this funny exchange:
    Yukon-This fog is thick as peanut butter
    Herbie- You mean pea soup.
    Yukon- (shouting) You eat what you like and I'll eat what I like!

    He does always seem to be yelling something, doesn't he?

    Funny Signs partially burned out:

    CAR WASH -> SH
    Price Chopper -> Price Clopper, rice hopper, Price Chop
    Westgate Plaza -> Vestgate Plaza, tgate Plaza (one on each side)
    Circuit City -> ir uit ity
    Borders Books and Music -> Borders ks and Music