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  • Monday, October 31, 2005

    Ben Folds Concert

    Went to see Ben Folds in SUNY Brockport. Was freakin awesome, but I have to get to work. More details will follow soon- here they are!
    Oh but first. Yeah I threw that DVD on stage. I was trying to get Ben's attention like all night but no luck so in the end I threw it. It broke apart. And he stepped over it. ouch. I made that DVD all myself. Oh well. Sucks to be me unless some nice stage hand picked it up and gave it to Ben. Which I'm not holding my breath for. At least I can describe to you why I liked the concert so much. I'll try to go over some of the parts I remember about the concert in some kind of order. I thought we would be in seats there but nope, we were let in to the gym all empty and we ended up standing all evening. This was probably the only bad thing of the night and it didn't bother me too much. The Fray opened for Ben. They were okay, nothing super, nothing terrible. I bouced a little.
    Then we waited like FOREVER to see Ben. Or maybe just a few agonizing minutes. They cut all the lights FAST and shone some blue ones up on stage to tease us while the into music played. The music was from the Jesus Christ Superstar overture. I feel this might have been a nod to The Beatles stunt where they claimed to be bigger than Jesus Christ. Or just coincidence. So at the end of this they (Ben and two bandmates Jared and Lindsay) come out on stage. All in the place cheer and scream and clap. Then they launch into "Bastard" and continue to rock all night or nearly that. He did a set by himself without the drummer or bassist, and also did a set of slow songs.
    During several songs he sung a da da da line to the audience and delegated parts to us like a choir. And we all faithfully sang what he gave us. First we did "Army" providing the wordless part that sounds like fake horns right before "in this time of introspection" in two parts. That sounded very nice indeed. Then he coached us in the ah-ahhh chord for "Not the Same" which he did as encore. Three parts this time, at the end of which he stops to have us sing the chord a few more times faster and slower following his conducting. He's grinning the whole time, it must have felt so wicked awesome to have so mang people hanging on that up and down hand movement he was doing. Then someone calls out something and Ben says, "On the piano?" and climbs right up. So he's conducting the whole audience from up there. Again, must have been magical.
    He did "Rockin the Suburbs" near the end when his band was on again. I believe that when the song had it's major curse he actually just shut up the first time and let the audience sing it. I love the way the song sounds but I've never been big on the cursing. That was also the one in which he stepped away from the piano to play the bass for a minute. Among the solo set he did "lullaby" which helped me fall in love with my then friend, now husband, Daniel. And he did "Last Polka" which has some ridiculously cool piano stuff; fast runs up the keys and heavy pounded chords. This sort of thing really showcased his prowess at the piano. I took some piano in grade school and again in high school so I can appreciate how hard it is and how hard Ben must work at it.
    I remember that in the song "You to Thank" he said drugs instead of buzz, but I only noticed because it is on my new favorites playlist which I have memorized every word of. Then "Philosophy" which has not the rhapsody in blue riff but something else I'm googling as Misirlou. Sounded great anyway. Thinking back on the concert I determined that paying $20 was the same as two movies I could have seen, only this was WAY better. And a Ben Folds concert is worth at least 4 or 5 of the Lord of the Rings or original Star Wars movies. So I got a good deal. If only I knew for sure what happened to my DVD...

    (additional memory here added 4/6/06)
    It was at the end of Army when the line says, "I thought about- the army" Instead he sang, "I thought about- Shelby." I believe she was one of the coordinators of the event. He had thanked her at an earlier part of the program.

    Saturday, October 29, 2005

    The Rain, Setarepo, and other things

    Another random one here. I have been saving for a while and can't wait anymore. I had a memory the other day of a guy who came to saint rose early in the semester to perform one night. I forget what he was booked as. Something like "he sings, he dances, he does comedy!" And he really did too. He did some spoofs on songs that were popular at the time. He told us that every song has a country song in it if you play it right. Then he gave some hilarious examples on his guitar. He also made fun of the extended version of the Friends show theme. He claimed that the whole problem with the song was when they added the second verse. In the first verse it says "So no one told you life was gonna be this way" but then the second verse says "your mother told you there'd be days like these". Then also in the second verse they sing "you burned your breakfast, so far things are going great". This guy tells us "Hey how many of us make breakfast that can actually be burnt?" He was pretty funny. I thought he was better than any other comedian we had in four years. He also juggled and asked us to give him three things to juggle and he would juggle them at least three rotations. I can't remember the other two items but Nick, my boyfriend of the time, gave him one of those expanding balls you can buy at discovery store. They get bigger and smalled depending on how you hold them. When they're small they look like a star and when they're big they look like a skeleton of a sphere. So he took it and looked at it and looked at it. We all laughed at the faces he made. He was a good sport and was up there trying for 6 or 7 minutes. He would try and not get it then we would laugh. At one point he said, "Oh shut up Nick!" because he was the one who handed him this impossible object. It was mostly exaggerated I imagine. Anyway he finally did get it juggled for at least 5 rotations and we all cheered. That was a fun time.
    Another thing I want to tell you about is setarepo. It needs to be pronounced -sitar eepo- This is kind of like morphtal worftal. I guess my sister (same one) was reading a sign on the window from the wrong side. It said "operates" but it read like "setarepo". So then she told my other sister, "Setarepo!" who responded, "what?" So they told me about this and I thought it sounded like a word you yell jumping out of an airplane. You can shout, "Geronimo!" or "Yahoo!" or "Setarepo!" We also decided to call it setarepo when a person speaks backwards. So then 'gninrom doog' for good morning is the use of setarepo.
    Next subject!
    On the way to Webster today we got behind an older person driver. AND they were going slow. So Dan was annoyed so he was pretending to be an old geezer talking about young whipper snappers. Instead he said "young-snappin silly-slickers" That's it for the story really. It was just funny as all get out.
    It's been ridiculous rainy lately. I guess it's because of all the tropical storms. I think it had been affecting my sinuses and equilibrium. They are all the way past the alphabet on naming tropical storms. They started over at alpha (Greek alphabet) and now they are at beta. How many more are coming? We shall see.
    Quick note:
    The nicknaming of pop stars who are chicks that wear too little clothing and dance all slinky- pop tarts! HA! That is a really good one. Someone at my Tuesday night Irish dance class told me that one. She didn't coin the phrase and neither did I, but if you did and you're reading this- WAY FUNNY Thank you.

    Thursday, October 13, 2005

    I have a wrong lyric in my head

    I do. I feel like it must be right somewhere though. Can anyone help me identify it as correct in some parody or different song version?
    I somehow got this longing the other day to hear "Puttin on the Ritz". I found out that it is an old song of which I know the snappy 80's version. So I go onto itunes and buy the snappy 80's version and wait for the best lyric of all "razzle dazzle" with a synthesized voice having both high and low components and it sounds like a computer talking. I listen to the song and nowhere can I find the words "razzle dazzle". In their place at least 3 times the singer says "super duper". The computery voice is there but the words are wrong. I did a google search for razzle dazzle with ritz but found no trace of my (imagined?) song lyrics. I want someone to tell me I'm not dreaming and that these words were once in this song. Anyone?