I've been spending all my extra time recently either in the pool or filming with my new video camera. But when I am not doing those things I have been completely rewriting the storyline to Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith. I was disappointed with it if you remember my complaint post on the movie; so disappointed I needed to make up an alternate story to make myself happy. Here it is in synopsis form:
Anakin and Obi Wan rescue the Chancellor from (his own setup) kidnapping. Anakin kills Dooku and they use escape pods to leave the crashing ship. They return to a hanger on Coruscant and the media mob them. Anakin finds Padme waiting in the shadows. She wants to reveal their marriage in light of the fact her preganancy will soon make it obvious. Anakin tells Obi Wan of the marriage. He says the outlook for Anakin to remain a Jedi is none too bright. He agrees to keep the secret. In her senate apartment, Padme meets with several other concerned senators who worry the Chancellor will never give up emergency powers. In a council meeting at the same time, the Jedi send Yoda to Kashyik and Obi Wan to the outer rim. Anakin asks to go with Obi Wan but is told to stay put. A day or two later, Padme addresses her fears to the Senate. Palpatine promises to step down after the war. Anakin plans to ask for master status. He has the dream that Padme dies in childbirth. Obi Wan finds and defeats General Greivous. The Jedi council denies Anakin's request to become a master and he leaves in anger. News comes that Yoda has won the battle of Kashyik. Palpatine tells Anakin the force can save lives but only sith know how. Anakin tells Padme he needs this sith knowledge and she tries to discourage him. Anakin is called to a meeting of the Jedi council. They have gotten word anonymously that Anakin is married and immediately expell him. Anakin, beleiving Obi Wan told them, breaks friendship with Obi Wan. Anakin finds Palpatine who reveals his sithdom. Anakin agrees to rid the temple of the Jedi there in exchange for life-saving abilities. Under a really scary musical theme, Anakin kills all Jedi gathered at the temple. Obi Wan comes to Padme looking for Anakin who has been gone since their conversation on needing sith knowledge. She learns that they are found out and he is expelled. Obi Wan learns Anakin has sought a sith through Palpatine. Obi Wan realizes the sith is Palpatine. He and Mace go to arrest him. Anakin tells Padme he has found the sith. She freaks out and goes into premature labor. Anakin goes for Palpatine. He finds him facing Mace and Obi Wan. Anakin defends Palpatine. Mace ends up dead and Obi Wan gets away. Palpatine renames Anakin as Darth Vader and instructs Vader to bring Padme to him. Obi Wan reaches Padme first and takes her to a hospital on Alderaan. Order 66 kills all Jedi besides Obi Wan and Yoda. Yoda flies to Alderaan meeting Obi Wan there. Yoda goes after Palpatine, Obi Wan after Vader, and Bail Organa stays with Padme. Palpatine and Yoda battle. Yoda ultimately loses and is left for dead in a senate meeting room. Bail picks him up after receiving his homing signal. Obi Wan and Vader battle. Vader falls off a cliff and is assumed dead. Back on Alderaan Yoda is injured badly and will never walk properly again (notice how he's bent over in the next three movies... Dan). Padme gives birth to twins Luke and Leia. She dies holding Leia. Darth Vader is saved by Palpatine and outfitted with the suit. On hearing of Padme's death by Jedi negligence, Vader begins to destroy things, throwing them around the room. He discovers the choking move, born out of his anger. On Alderaan, Yoda and Obi Wan agree to split up the twins and go into hiding themselves. Film ends with a closeup on the twins.
That is the shortest synopsis I could manage. The actual thing I wrote is insanely long. Dan says I should change the names and make it my own story but I couldn't make it different enough for that. Anyway I got the plot line from George Lucas. I just moved a few things around to my better liking. This one was for fun. The next one will be serious and I'll write it all myself. If I go through with this one, I will put the entire script I wrote up on this blog somewhere. Stay tuned. It may take awhile.