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  • Tuesday, June 28, 2005

    some music lyrics

    Just a quick bored post here. I've been singing that song 'It's five o'clock somewhere' and realized how not five o'clock it really is. He sings 'It's only half past twelve but I don't care'. If it is twelve thirty that means literally speaking it is five o'clock nowhere since time zones are different by hours and not by half hours. So he really has no excuse cause' it's five o'clock nowhere.

    Here's how I sing this next one:
    She sees the half life dizzy go dungeon
    She reaches in and grabs Napoleon
    She sees the half light dizzy go function
    She takes control and soon it tears you apart
    (my version of invisible touch)

    One final note since this was on the same scrap of paper as the other. The glucan binding gene (A) in Strep Mutans is written gbpA. The corresponding protein is GbpA and the knockout strain is GbpA- or deltagbpA.

    Thursday, June 02, 2005


    This is my post on synesthesia (sin-ess-thee-zha) The zh sound in my pronunciation guide is that of the g in mirage or the z in azure. I only recently heard of this condition and wanted to write about what I learned. “Synesthesia” is the condition. A “synesthete” is the person having the condition.

    It occurs in about 1 out of 2,000 people or 1 out of 10,000 depending on whose statistics you are reading. It is a condition that I would liken to color-blindness except the effect is almost opposite to being color-blind. (I don’t have this condition so I am not speaking firsthand here.)
    What happens is this: a synesthete gets extra senses when seeing something or feeling or smelling something (or any of the 5).

    They may be able to see a color when music plays, or taste something when they see a certain shape. Many synesthetes see letters and numbers in colors other than the color they are printed in. These phenomena are always the same for them. If the letter K is blue, it will always be blue. It is also individual. Someone else may see K as orange all the time. And every synesthete will get different perceptions in different amounts for one or many senses.

    Like color blindness it is not a disease and cannot be caught or transmitted as such. It can run in families though the mechanism isn’t as clear cut as color-blindness. These senses are NOT delusions or an overactive imagination or a mental disorder. It is just an extra function of the person’s brain similar to the way color blindness is one less function.
    Sometimes a person will not realize they are a synesthete for many years because they assume everyone gets the same extra senses they get. After all, I never question the way I sense things.

    I got some of my information from a textbook and some from online sources. Here is a website with information and links:


    Hopefully I have explained it well enough for being a non-synesthete. I posted this info on Muppet Central in nearly identical wording before and wanted to also post it here. Most people I run into have never heard of it before so I am usually teaching them. If you know I am not explaining parts of it right please correct me.